Math & MathCell

Math — nontrivial math in the browswer
Complex special functions and common mathematical operations in JavaScript

MathCell — interactive mathematics in the browser

WebXR Worlds

Cube Space

A Sky Full of Spheres

A Sky of Glowing Balls

A Toroidal Space Full of Spheres — you’ll never escape!

Special Functions in WebXR — complete list of available functions

Flat Torus with Navigation

Lorenz Attractor with Navigation

Schwarz Primitive Minimal Surface

Cube of Catenoids

Gravitating System — ten elastically colliding gravitating spheres

A Flock of Spheres

Three.js Examples

Rotating tesseract in WebXR

Lorenz attractor in WebXR

Flat torus with continous animation of lobes in WebXR

Metaballs via Marching Cubes

Multiple elements with LaTeX math

Multiple elements with CSS math

What have I been up to on GitHub?

GitHub event viewer courtesy of @theo-armour


sagemath-docs — simple and clear documentation for SageMath functions and operations

Parse SageMath functions/ in master branch