vector( n ) — vector of length n initialized to zero
vector( n, value ) — vector of length n initialized to a real value
vector( n, [value1,value2] ) — vector of length n initialized to random real values
matrix( n ) — n × n matrix initialized to zero
matrix( n, m ) — n × m matrix initialized to zero
matrix( n, m, value ) — n × m matrix initialized to a real value
matrix( n, m, [value1,value2] ) — n × m matrix initialized to random real values
identity( n ) — n × n real identity matrix
identity( n, value ) — n × n real identity matrix multiplied by a real value
matrixAdd( A, B ) — add two real matrices
matrixSub( A, B ) — subtract two real matrices
matrixMul( A, B ) — multiply two real matrices
transpose( A ) — transpose of a real matrix
inverse( A ) — inverse of a real matrix
determinant( A ) — determinant of a real matrix
luDecomposition( A ) — LU decomposition of a real matrix returned with permutation matrix and total pivots in { L: L, U: U, P: P, pivots: pivots }
luSolve( A, b ) — solution of the real system Ax = b returned as an array
eigensystem( A ) — eigenvalues and column eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix returned as arrays in { eigenvalues: eigenvalues, eigenvectors: eigenvectors }