spike_function( [ ( x , height ) , ... ] , approx )

The function in SageMath of spikes at individual x with height. The optional approx argument determines the approximation to a true spike.

Plot on the real axis:

show( plot( spike_function( [ (1,1), (2,2), (3,3) ], .1 ),

                            figsize=[4.5,2], color=(0,.5,1) ) )

show( plot( spike_function( [ (1,1), (2,2), (3,3) ], .01 ),

                            figsize=[4.5,2], color=(0,.5,1) ) )

show( plot( spike_function( [ (1,1), (2,2), (3,3) ] ),

                            figsize=[4.5,2], color=(0,.5,1) ) )

Related functions:   dirac_delta

Function category: generalized functions sagemath-docs