plot( function
, variable
, begin
, end
[ , options
] )
The plot in SageMath of the function
of variable
from begin
to end
Common options are:
plot_points=integer xmin=value xmax=value ymin=value ymax=value detect_poles=True|False figsize=[x-value,y-value] color=(r-value,g-value,b-value)|'#rgb'|'#rrggbb'|'name' hue=h-value|(h-value,s-value,v-value) axes_labels=[x-string,y-string] axes_labels_size=value
Two or more plots can be combined by concatenation with a plus (+) sign.
The speed of plotting can be increased by reducing the number of plot_points
from its default of 200 to a number appreciably smaller.
Ticks on plot axes are controlled with the options of the forms
A single value for ticks sets them at multiples of the value, while a list sets them at explicit values. When using strings to format ticks, the list structures of the two options must be identical.
In the context of ticks, the value None
always means default behavior, as opposed to no ticks. To remove ticks completely, set a single tick outside of the range of the plot.
show( plot( sin(x), x, 0, 4*pi, figsize=[4.5,2], color=(0,.5,1) ) )
Related operations: animate
Operation category: output operations sagemath-docs